It is the one email I look forward to receiving every year. It is the one email that makes all the hard work seem worth it. It is the one email that on average, there are 35,000-40,000 submissions, only 2,500 are selected. Every time I enter my work for inclusion, I always seem to be amazed by the quality and amount of brilliant designers out there. The selection process for LogoLounge Book 11 was no different, well minus the one surprise I received.
I had the honor of having 84, yes eighty-four of my works selected for inclusion in LogoLounge Book 11. I am aimlessly writing this posting, and I am struggling for words to offer my gratitude to Bill Gardner, Gardner Design, LogoLounge and the judges, Gaby Brink, Marina Willer, Caleb Everitt, Ryan Rhodes, Jen Hood, Jeroen Van Eerden, Jay Fletcher, George Bokhua, and Sagi Haviv. For one to have their work judged and selected by these great designers, there are no words…just thank you.

LogoLounge Book 11 judging is now complete. Your work was chosen from among nearly 40,000 logos that were reviewed by our international judging panel who are some of the best of the best in the design community.